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Safer Together Team Newsletter Spring 2024

  • Last Updated: 17-05-2024 at 11:05

As spring arrives, we are delighted to take this opportunity to reflect on the last quarter and share with you a snippet of some exciting engagements we have coming up.

The team had an extremely busy period in the run up to Christmas, attending numerous public events and engagements and promoting the PCCs annual crime and policing survey. Thank you to those of you who took the time to respond to the survey; over 3400 responses were received, and the full findings have been published on the PCCs website (  The findings are also shared with Lincolnshire Police and partners to inform their priorities.

This last quarter we have attended a variety of meetings, coffee mornings and other established community groups, meetings with other professionals, and numerous activities linked with neighbourhood policing teams.

With the warmer weather approaching, events are being planned and added to our diaries and we are set to have some busy months ahead. Thank you to the communities who have invited us along to their events, it is always a pleasure to meet you, and listen to your stories and experiences. If you have any events you wish to invite us to, or issues you want to raise email us using:

Alan Osborne, Stephanie Marwood & Kimberley Pickett


Local Updates

Alan Osborne - Boston and South Holland

As you can imagine as I start year four with the STT, I have built up a number of regular meetings and events that I attend which of course includes working with the two Neighbourhood Policing Teams and attending the Boston NPT Partnership Day at Boston United Football ground, Boston Community Leaders and of course the local residents and councillors that make up the Boston Central Neighbourhood Action Group. Then there are two Community Alcohol Partnerships and my continued engagement with Lincolnshire’s veterans and support groups. I would like to welcome Insp Matt Dickinson who has taken over the NPT in Spalding and Insp Ian Cotton at Boston.


Stephanie Marwood - Lincolnshire Strong Voices 'Hear Our Voice' Conference 2nd February 2024

Thank you once again to everyone who attended the conference, we had about 50 representatives from a variety of organisations, to name a few this included: the District Councils, Scouts, the YMCA, Lincolnshire Police, Lincs Fire and Rescue and many more.
Everyone who attended, went to hear directly from young people about the crime and community safety issues which matter to them, and their suggestions as to how things can be improved. The young people were presented with certificates of thanks for their participation by the Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire and we are now working with them and partners to implement some of their recommendations and continue to pave the way to cement the voice of young people in strategic decision making.
We are looking for 11 - 21-year-olds in Lincolnshire who want to use their voices and work together to make positive changes where they live. You have a voice, now it’s your time to use it! If you would like more information and to register your interest in
being a part of Lincolnshire Strong Voices let us know!


Kimberley Pickett – building relationships with community groups across East Lindsey

I have been thoroughly enjoying getting out and about across East Lindsey attending various Community Hubs, Village coffee mornings and other community groups. It is all of you, the residents of Lincolnshire, who I meet each day who make my job enriching. Thank you for welcoming me to your events, inviting me to do talks, introducing my role within the STT and sharing information leaflets on a variety of subjects. But most of all thank you for sharing with me your opinions, helping me to understand the issues and concerns affecting your community to feed them back to inform decisions to prevent and reduce harm.


Upcoming engagements and events

Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team
[LVET] Conference @ Bishop Grosseteste University – All Day Wed 24 April

Spalding Flower Parade
(Town Centre) – All Day Sun 12 May

SO Festival @ Skegness – All Day Fri 14 June

Platform Community Drop-in
@ Skegness Rugby Club
10:30 – 14:00 Thurs 23 May

Lincolnshire Show – All day
Wed 19 & Thurs 20 June

Parish Council Engagements
Online Via Teams – 18:00-20:00:

North & South Kesteven - Tue 25 June

East Lindsey - Thurs 28 June

Boston & South Holland -Tue 2 July

Lincoln and West Lindsey - Thurs 4 July


To Find out more visit or contact us using via 

 01522 212351