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Safer Together Newsletter - January 2022

  • Last Updated: 17-05-2024 at 11:05

The Safer Together Team have been in post for a whole year, and what a year it’s been! Despite a challenging start myself and the team have been busy attending events, raising awareness of the team and engaging with communities across the County. I’ve also supported my local NPT’s with in person engagement events when COVID restrictions were partially lifted.

Over the past 3 months community safety has been the main focus of my work and have been out asking opinions of the County’s residents and getting their views on safety, policing and crime.

It’s been great to build up a portfolio of contacts in my area, as well as the themes which are effecting our community and how we can help. Over the coming months I will be continuing to raise awareness of the team and Police initiatives and find out from residents what concerns and issues they have about where they live.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and get in touch if you would like to more information on community safety, ongoing problems and community projects.

Community Groups

Do you need help or support with funding? Do you have a project that would benefit your community? Please contact me by email and share your ideas to see if I could help and support you. We have a variety of partners and contacts who want to help and support community groups and we could help with funding and funding applications. Please contact me about any events in your area and I may be able to attend. I love engaging with my community and its great to meet local community groups and residents!

Engagement and Events 

Myself, PCSOs from Lincolns Neighbourhood Policing Teams and Response Officers attended Freshers Week to give students vital information to keep themselves and their belongings safe. We also marked bikes so they could be identified if stolen.

Our Team attended the Faces 2 Names event at the Showroom in Lincoln in November. The event raised awareness of community groups and organisations and was an opportunity to meet people and make valuable connections.


Myself and the North and South Kesteven Coordinator, Maisie, attended the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils AGM to meet representatives from Parish Councils across the County. We shared information on our team and the office.

Have you been a Victim of Crime?

Victim Lincs is a service put in place by the Police and Crime Commissioner, providing victims of crime with invaluable help, support and guidance. If you are a victim of crime and would like further support, Victim Lincs can refer you to Victim Support or other specialist coping and recovery services.

Beware: Romance Scams 

Between November 2020 and October 2021, there were 8,863 reported cases of romance fraud nationally, with losses totalling £91.9 million.

If you think you have been a victim of a romance scam, do not feel ashamed or embarrassed - you are not alone. Contact your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or via Action Fraud's website.

Lincolnshire Alert

The team use Lincolnshire Alert to: Keep you informed about local news and community safety information for your area. Help you stay safe by sharing crime prevention advice. Give you a voice. We want to know your opinions and understand the needs and issues affecting your community. Sign up to Lincolnshire Alert here.

Lincoln Neighbourhood Policing Priorities

  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Traffic Offences
  • Speeding
  • Drug Dealing

West Lindsey Neighbourhood Policing Priorities

  • Speeding
  • Drink Driving
  • Using phones whilst driving
  • Not wearing seatbelts
  • Rural Crime
  • Youth ASB

Important Dates:

  • February - LGBTQ+ History Month
  • 7th February - Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week
  • 7th February - Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week
  • 8th March - International Womens Day
  • 31st March - International Transgender Day of Visibility.

Get in touch

Twitter: @steph_marwoodST