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Lincolnshire Sensory Service's coffee morning

  • Last Updated: 30-04-2024 at 16:04

It was lovely to join the Lincolnshire Sensory Service's coffee morning.

One of the key objectives of our Safer Together Team is to engage with the communities that might not normally come into contact with the police. It was useful to meet with the group, who are deaf and hard of hearing, to understand their views and concerns about crime and safety in the area they live. 

What was supposed to be a quick introduction to the group, turned out to be a really useful hour and a half chat!

Understandably, the main concerns of the group were not about crime. Most said that they felt safe where they lived, but had concerns about access to services, traffic and bicycles using the town centre.

Boston coffee morning hosted by the Lincolnshire Sensory Service with PCSO Nigel Grant.