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Funding 2022 - 2023

Funding, as always, has provided challenges in Lincolnshire but there are some notable successes and some bright spots on the horizon.

Firstly, the Government’s Uplift Programme has continued  to play an important part in bolstering the Force’s front-line capabilities. The programme allowed for an additional 67 officers to be recruited during the year – bringing the total additional extra officers through Uplift to 166 extra officers.

The Chief Constable’s budget is now based on a strength of 1,186 officers.

In addition, the PCC and Chief Constable jointly agreed several areas for spending that would deliver against priorities in the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan, the Chief Constable’s strategy and the national policing inspectorate’s report, including:

  • Increasing the number of Community Beat Managers - further increasing visible policing and protection for our communities.
  • Additional cutting-edge crime fighting capability by expanding the Digital Forensics Team and investing in the latest systems to identify criminals.
  • Boost the Protecting Vulnerable Persons Unit to further protect the most vulnerable children and adults in our community.
  • Invest in greater and more effective partnership working in Integrated Offender Management to reduce reoffending and reduce the numbers of victims.

There is also good news on the funding formula – which has hampered our level of Government grant for decades. The Government has now committed to delivering the review needed and the PCC is working with senior policing leaders to develop the basis of a new formula. It is however important to be realistic about this process. If the review recognises Lincolnshire’s historic underfunding any changes to funding will be phased over a number of years. That means in the short and medium term Lincolnshire will still face challenges in how to spend the money available.

One of the most significant operational and financial challenges of the year was the transfer of G4S provided services back into the operational command of Lincolnshire Police. While it is envisaged that this will provide considerable opportunity for improving service delivery the programme has cost £2 million.

The PCC has, however, been successful in securing Special Grant from the Government to offset a considerable portion of those costs.

In total the budget for the PCC was £151.490 million in the year and of that £135 million was provided to the Chief Constable.

The rest of the fundings allocation included £4.35m reserved for service developments for Lincolnshire Police, £1m for victims’ services, £1.87m in pension costs and £4.3m for financing capital projects.