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Chief Constable Appointment

  • Last Updated: 29-05-2024 at 15:05

A police officer with more than two decades of experience working in Lincolnshire has been selected as the preferred candidate for the role of Chief Constable.

Paul Gibson, 50, began his career as a PC in Lincolnshire in 1998 and spent 19 years in the force before leaving to take on the role of Assistant Chief Constable in Derbyshire Police.

During his time in the county, he worked in most roles and spent six months seconded to the National Transforming Forensics Programme.

He started his career as a bobby on the beat in Grantham before joining CID as a detective in 2000. He climbed the ranks and was appointed as the force’s temporary Assistant Chief Constable before departing in 2018 to gain further experience working in the larger force of Derbyshire.

Mr Gibson took on the role as Deputy Chief Constable of the East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU) in January 2021 and served two very successful months supporting Northamptonshire as temporary chief Constable’ last year.

Mr Gibson, who has born in the county, is married with two daughters. Before joining the force, he studied genetics at university and gained a doctorate in molecular medicine.

The decision was made by Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones after an exhaustive recruitment process which concluded on January 24th. The appointments panel was chaired by Chief Constable Andy Marsh QPM, CEO of the College of Policing.

The recommendation, supported unanimously by the selection panel after a rigorous process, will now go to the Police and Crime Panel for consideration.

The recruitment process to find the next Chief Constable involved Q&A sessions with key community leaders, as well as a formal interview panel.

“I am thrilled and honoured to be selected as the preferred candidate, and subject to confirmation by the Police and Crime Panel, I very much looking forward to coming home to take on the job of keeping this wonderful county safe,” Mr Gibson said.

“After almost two decades serving in Lincolnshire, I know the county and its people very well and have always harboured an ambition to one day lead the force. I am determined to see Lincolnshire Police build upon its community values and continue to deliver an improved quality of service to the public.

“Lincolnshire Police, supported by the Police and Crime Commissioner, has gained a strong reputation for innovation and is rightly regarded as the cutting edge of modern policing”.

“I will be proud to continue that tradition and to work hard for the people of Lincolnshire to serve our communities.”

PCC Marc Jones said the process to find the right candidate had been thorough and he was confident it had identified an excellent candidate for the job.

“I am delighted to be able to announce Paul as my preferred candidate. I have no doubt he will make an outstanding Chief Constable. His passion for the county, its communities and the force which serves them shone through in the whole process.

“I have absolutely no doubt that Paul has a passion and determination to serve Lincolnshire running through his veins.