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View all the events and meetings that PCC Marc Jones attended or hosted at Lincolnshire Police Headquarters in 2024


10th of January

- The PCC attended the Habit 5 Presentation of the PCC Annual Survey Findings

11th of January

- The PCC attended the virtual Unison Quarterly Informal Catch Up

- The PCC attended the Cavendish Consulting- 'Service with Respect' Briefing

- The PCC attended a virtual meeting with Sir Peter Fahy

- The PCC attended the APCC/College of Policing Briefing- Code of Ethics

12th of January

- The PCC attended the Right Care Right Person Strategic Partners Meeting

- The PCC attended the Joint Independent Audit Committee Chair

17th of January

- The PCC attended the APCC Board Weekly Call

19th of January

- The PCC attended the virtual Greater Lincolnshire Leaders and Chief Executives Meeting

22nd of January

- The PCC attended the JUST Lincolnshire Meeting

- The PCC attended the APCC Briefing for PCCs- Historic Data Wash Exercise

29th of January

- The PCC attended the Heritage England Meeting

31st of January

- The PCC attended the APCC Board Weekly Call


5th of February

-The PCC attended the AI Acusensus Demonstration/Presentation

7th February

-The PCC attended the APCC General Meeting

8th of February

-The PCC attended the APCC General Meeting

-The OPCC attended the Country Land and Business Association (CLA)

-The OPCC attended the Minster for Crime and Policing

13th of February

-The PCC attended the Home Office - Grant Challenge Panel

14th of February

- The PCC attended the APCC Board Weekly Call

20th February

-The PCC attended the South Kyme Golf Club Meeting

-The PCC attended a Parish Council Engagement Session on Road Safety

22nd of February

-The PCC attended the College of Policing Finance & Performance Committee Meeting

23rd of February

-The PCC attended the Open University Centre for Policing Research and Learning (CPRL) Board

26th of February

-The PCC attended the Right Care Right Person Meeting

27th of February

-The PCC attended the North Kesteven District Council - PCC/Force Joint Presentation for Elected Members

28th of February

-The PCC attended the APCC Board Weekly Call

-The PCC attended the Cumberland Lodge Committee

-The PCC attended the University of Lincoln Student Wellbeing Meeting

-The PCC attended the HMP Lincoln Employment Advisory Board

29th of February

-The PCC attended the West Lindsey District Council - PCC/Force Joint Presentation for Elected Members


1st of March

-The PCC attended the National Farmers Union and Humberside PCC Jonathan Evison

6th of March

-The PCC attended the APCC Weekly Call

-The PCC attended the Lincolnshire Police Cohort 36 Attestation

12th March

-The PCC attended the APCC Online Event for PCCs

19th of March

-The PCC attended the Public Assurance Meeting

20th of March

-The PCC attended the APCC Weekly Board Call

27th of March

-The PCC attended the APCC Weekly Board Call


3rd of April

-The PCC attended the APCC Board Weekly Call

8th of April

-The PCC attended the College of Policing Productivity Vision Session

15th of April

-The PCC attended the APCC Accountability (Firearms) Review Briefing for PCCs

24th of April

-The PCC attended the APCC Board Weekly Call


10th of May

-The PCC attended the Lincolnshire Leaders and Chief Executives Meeting

14th of May

-The PCC attended a meeting with a Home Office Liaison Officer

15th of May

-The PCC attended the APCC Board Weekly Call

16th of May

-The PCC attended a meeting with Leicestershire's PCC Rupert Matthews

17th of May

-The PCC attended the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership meeting

29th of May

-The PCC attended the APCC Board Weekly Call

31st of May

-The PCC attended a College of Policing Police Productivity Vision Session