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About the role of PCC

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) were elected for the third time on 6 May 2021 in 40 force areas across England and Wales.  Every force area is represented by a PCC, except Greater Manchester and London, where PCC responsibilities lie with the Mayor.

What does a PCC do?

The role of the PCC is to be the voice of the people and hold the police to account. They are responsible for the totality of policing.

PCCs aim to cut crime and deliver an effective and efficient police service in their force area.  They have been elected by the public to hold Chief Constables and the force to account, making the police answerable to the communities they serve.

PCCs ensure community needs are met as effectively as possible, and are improving local relationships through building confidence and restoring trust. They work in partnership across a range of agencies at local and national level to ensure there is a unified approach to preventing and reducing crime.

Under the terms of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, PCCs must:

  • secure an efficient and effective police service for their area
  • appoint the Chief Constable, hold them to account for running the force, and if necessary dismiss them
  • set the police and crime objectives for their area through a police and crime plan
  • set the force budget and determine the precept
  • contribute to the national and international policing capabilities set out by the Home Secretary
  • bring together community safety and criminal justice partners
  • make sure local priorities are joined up.

More details on PCC powers and responsibilities are available on the Home Office website.

The role of the PCC

View the different roles of the PCC and how policing works here.

When did the role of the PCC start?

22nd November 2012

Who is the PCC for Lincolnshire?

Marc Jones.  Read more about Marc Jones

A redacted copy of Marc Jones' formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office is published below:

How much is the PCC paid?

PCCs are entitled to be paid a salary determined by the Secretary of State under Schedule 1 (2) of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act. 

The salary level recommended by the Senior Salaries Review Body and approved by the Home Secretary for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire is currently £66,300 per annum.

This is different in other areas of the country.

What area does the PCC cover?

Lincolnshire. The Humberside PCC covers North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire.

Where is the PCC based?

Police Headquarters at Nettleham, near Lincoln.

How long will this PCC be in post? When is the next election?

The term is normally four years. However, following cancellation of the 2020 PCC election due to the COVID-19 pandemic, PCCs served a five year term. PCC's elected following the May 2021 election will now serve a three year term. The next election is in May 2024.

Can I report a crime to the PCC or his office?

No. You need to contact the police.

In an emergency use 999. For non-emergency situations, please call 101.

Expenses and allowances

Paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 to the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 ("the Act") provides that Police and Crime Commissioners are to be paid authorised allowances. 

Authorised allowances refers to expenses incurred by Commissioners in the exercise of their functions, which are the kinds and amounts determined by the Secretary of State including travel, subsistence and other exceptional expenses.

A local expenses scheme has been approved by the PCC setting out the allowances the Commissioner is entitled to receive and what expenses he is able to claim for. 

View the expenses scheme

Find details of expense claims made by PCC Marc Jones and by former PCC Alan Hardwick on our Expenses page.

Code of conduct

PCCs are expected to adhere to the Seven Principles of Public Life published by the Nolan Committee. The 'Nolan Principles' have been adopted widely and form the basis of codes of conduct for holders of public office including Ministers, Members of Parliament and elected Members of local authorities.

PCC Marc Jones has adopted a model *Code of Conduct prepared by the Association of Police Authority Chief Executives (APACE) based on the Nolan Principles.

Go to our Code of Conduct page for more details and for the Commissioner's written undertaking to observe the code.

Recorded complaints made against the PCC

The PCC is required to publish the number of recorded complaints that have been made against him. 

View the recorded complaints made against the PCC

Visit the make a complaint page for details of how to make a complaint against the PCC, the Chief Constable or an officer.

Register of disclosable interests

To safeguard the integrity of the PCC it is essential that any declarations of interest are made publicly available to ensure openness and transparency and to safeguard the Commissioner against any potential challenge.

All declarations should be made on election to the post and reviewed annually as a matter of course.  The PCC can update his declarations at any time should his circumstances change.

Notification of gifts and hospitality

The PCC is required to submit a written notification within 28 days of accepting or declining a gift and/or hospitality. 

Go to our gifts and hospitality page to see full details.

Public meetings, engagements and events

Go to the events archive for full details of past and future events involving the PCC, or see the events on the interactive map on the homepage.


Please note that we may redact information if publication could endanger the safety of any individual or if it is personal information exempt from disclosure under the Data Protection Act 1998.