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Performance and accountability

I will assess, support and challenge the overall performance of the Force against the priorities agreed within this Plan. I draw on information gathered from a variety of sources to form a view about the Force’s overall performance, including independent assurances via Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS), internal and external auditors and national databases.

I meet formally with the Chief Constable and his command team on a regular basis to specifically monitor and review how well the Force is delivering policing in the county. I make my assessment through a Governance Framework which covers the main functions of the Force:

  • Performance (e.g. levels of crime, anti-social behaviour incidents, solving crimes, confidence in police, road safety).
  • Resources (e.g. how money is spent and finances, workforce and human resources, ICT, learning and development, procurement and managing assets).
  • Professional Standards (complaint and conduct issues and ethical standards of policing through the embedding and use of the Code of Ethics).

In addition, written briefings are provided by the force on a regular basis in other areas such as serious crime, counter terrorism, children and young people and equalities; follow up meetings are organised if there are particular concerns or issues.

I answer to the public on the delivery and performance of the police service in the county. I will hold a Public Assurance Meeting with the Chief Constable four times a year where he will present an accessible, public facing performance report covering key areas for improvement and providing updates on progress against my priorities. Prior to the meeting, the public will have the opportunity to submit a written question on the performance of Lincolnshire Police. Audio or video media of the meetings will be publicly available through my website together with the written reports and supporting papers.

Read more about Public Assurance Meetings.


Chief Constable

As PCC I have a vital role in holding the Chief Constable to account for operational delivery on behalf of the people of Lincolnshire. The Chief Constable must answer to me in terms of delivering efficient and effective local policing to the people of Lincolnshire, and the way resources and spending are managed, as well as ensuring that the Force is contributing to ensuring that policing capabilities are available to address national crime threats and cross-border criminality.


The three ‘Pillars’ of Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy will be used as an organising framework to hold the Force to account. The national Police and Crime Performance Measures will be published on my website and reported each year within the Annual Report.

View the performance framework.


The Police and Crime Panel

My work as Commissioner is scrutinised and supported by a Police and Crime Panel (PCP) made up of ten councillors from the county’s eight local authorities and two independent ‘co-opted’ members. They have the ability to

review my decisions and the opportunity to question me. They have the power of veto over my precept proposal, the choice of a new Chief Constable, and will also be required to review the Police and Crime Plan before it is published. The Panel ensures that information is available to the public so I am accountable for my decisions. I report my progress in delivering the Police and Crime Plan to a public facing meeting of the Police and Crime Panel on a quarterly basis. Members of the public have the opportunity to attend and pose questions.


In addition, I formally report progress made in delivering the Police and Crime Plan in each financial year through the publication of my annual report. This will be presented at a public meeting of the Panel and will set out how I have fulfilled my statutory duties, and the progress which has been made in meeting my police and crime objectives.


Local Crime Figures

Local crime, policing and criminal justice information for Lincolnshire can be viewed via the ‘crime mapper’ website. This is a nationally run website with street-level crime and outcomes maps and data, and details of local policing teams.