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Make a Complaint

Complaints about police officers and staff of Lincolnshire Police

You can make a complaint about a police officer/staff member or in relation to the delivery of policing services on Lincolnshire Police's online complaints form. The Independent Office for Police Conduct has produced a public guide to the police complaints system.


Complaints about the Police and Crime Commissioner

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) represent their local communities and must conduct themselves in a way that does not discredit their office. PCCs are subject to a Code of Conduct that sets out the expected standards of personal conduct and ethical standards of behaviour.

View the Code of Conduct for the Lincolnshire PCC

If you have a complaint that the PCC has breached the Code of Conduct then the appropriate authority to handle that complaint is the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel (LPCP). However, the LPCP has delegated its authority to the PCC’s Chief Executive to determine whether allegations made against the PCC should be recorded as complaints. View the LPCP complaints procedure.

If you wish to make a complaint against the PCC, then you can do this in the following ways:

Phone: 01522 212351 (Note: In these circumstances, it will be necessary to make an appointment to either have the details of your complaint transcribed, or you could attend and outline your complaint in person)


Or write to:

Chief Executive, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner For Lincolnshire, Deepdale Lane, Nettleham, near Lincoln, LN2 2LT


Complaints about the Chief Executive/Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer 

If you wish to complain about the service you have received from the PCC’s Chief Executive/Monitoring Officer or his Chief Finance Officer or the way in which either member of staff has conducted themselves, then you can do so in the following ways:

Phone: 01522 212351 (Note: In these circumstances, it will be necessary to make an appointment to either have the details of your complaint transcribed, or you could attend and outline your complaint in person)


Or write to:

The Police and Crime Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner For Lincolnshire, Deepdale Lane, Nettleham, near Lincoln, LN2 2LT

View the complaints handling procedure for the Chief Executive/Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer


Complaints about members of staff in the Office of the PCC

If you wish to complain about the service you have received from a member of staff within the Office of the PCC ( including Victim Lincs) or the way in which a member of staff has conducted themselves, then you can do so in the following ways:

Phone: 01522 212351 (Note: In these circumstances, it will be necessary to make an appointment to either have the details of your complaint transcribed, or you could attend and outline your complaint in person)


Or write to:

The Chief Executive, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner For Lincolnshire, Deepdale Lane, Nettleham, near Lincoln, LN2 2LT

You can access a copy of the complaints handling procedure


Complaints about the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police

Lincolnshire Police, under the direction and control of the Chief Constable, has operational independence and is accountable to the law for the exercise of police powers. However, the Chief Constable is also accountable to the PCC for the delivery of efficient and effective policing, management of resources and expenditure, and ultimately the delivery of policing in the county.

The PCC is responsible for holding the Chief Constable to account for how policing services are delivered. The PCC is also responsible (as the ‘appropriate authority’) for any complaints, conduct matters, or Death or Serious Injury matters involving the officer (or any acting Chief Constable).

If you wish to make a complaint about the Chief Constable then you can do so in the following ways:

Phone: 01522 212351 (Note: In these circumstances, it will be necessary to make an appointment to either have the details of your complaint transcribed, or you could attend and outline your complaint in person)


Or write to:

The Police and Crime Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner For Lincolnshire, Deepdale Lane, Nettleham, near Lincoln, LN2 2LT

You can access a copy of the complaints handling procedure for the Chief Constable


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